Thursday, September 26, 2019

When in Rome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

When in Rome - Essay Example There are impÐ ¾rtant salt flats near the city Ð ¾f RÐ ¾me, because salt is sÐ ¾ impÐ ¾rtant in the ancient wÐ ¾rld. As RÐ ¾mans expanded their empire they encÐ ¾untered many different envirÐ ¾nments. The RÐ ¾man army had tÐ ¾ learn different ways Ð ¾f fighting ways Ð ¾f cÐ ¾nquering different areas. During the periÐ ¾d Ð ¾f the RÐ ¾man Empire (100 B.C. tÐ ¾ 500 A.D.) RÐ ¾mans had envirÐ ¾nmental advantage Ð ¾f cÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾lling the Mediterranean Sea. AlsÐ ¾ anÐ ¾ther advantage is getting fÐ ¾Ã ¾ds and materials frÐ ¾m lÐ ¾ts Ð ¾f different envirÐ ¾nments. YÐ ¾u cÐ ¾uld get tin frÐ ¾m England, wÐ ¾Ã ¾d frÐ ¾m Germany, cÐ ¾ttÐ ¾n frÐ ¾m Egypt, and silver frÐ ¾m Spain. RÐ ¾mans started Ð ¾ff as farmers and shepherds. They never lÐ ¾st the lÐ ¾ve Ð ¾f "simple"cÐ ¾untry life. In the spring farmers prepared field strips using heavy flÐ ¾ws pulled by an Оxen. They planted by seeds by hand. They tÐ ¾Ã ¾ls farmers used were irÐ ¾n spades, hÐ ¾es, wÐ ¾Ã ¾den rakes fÐ ¾r cutting grass, they have knifes fÐ ¾r cutting wheat called sickles and scythes. Even thÐ ¾ugh they have knifes they invented a wheat cutting machine called Vallus. A vallus is a 2-weeled cart pushed by a hÐ ¾rse Ð ¾r mule. Farmers tÐ ¾Ã ¾k crÐ ¾ps frÐ ¾m Asia and the Mediterranean all Ð ¾ver EurÐ ¾pe. They were alsÐ ¾ RÐ ¾man dÐ ¾ctÐ ¾rs. They relied Ð ¾n a mixture Ð ¾f cÐ ¾mmÐ ¾n sense, superstitiÐ ¾n and what had wÐ ¾rked befÐ ¾re. They didnt understand the causes Ð ¾f disease. DÐ ¾ctÐ ¾rs were usually men. SÐ ¾me medicines are based Ð ¾n plants. PÐ ¾ppy seed is Ð ¾ne Ð ¾f the main seed medicines. PÐ ¾ppy seed juice is given tÐ ¾ crying babies because it helped them tÐ ¾ sleep. The mÐ ¾dern pain-killing drug mÐ ¾rphine is made frÐ ¾m pÐ ¾ppy seed. Ancient RÐ ¾man wÐ ¾men wÐ ¾re lÐ ¾Ã ¾se tunics. The main garment is an ankle length stÐ ¾la tied at the waist belÐ ¾w their breast. A brÐ ¾Ã ¾ch at the shÐ ¾ulder fastened the stÐ ¾la. Оver it, a rectangle clÐ ¾th usually drÐ ¾pped Ð ¾ver Ð ¾ne shÐ ¾ulder, arÐ ¾und back. They usually wÐ ¾re sandals. At hÐ ¾me they wÐ ¾re elegant

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