Monday, September 23, 2019

Company Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Company Analysis - Research Paper Example Therefore, from a marketing perspective, the name ‘Hooter’ by the company represents class of restaurants rendering special services to customers mainly young men through young women who are mainly the waitresses. The parent company is the Hooters, Inc comprises of two restaurant companies; Hooters of America and the Hooters spread in over for hundred and thirty five locations worldwide. Apart from the foods and drinks, the company has also been involved some other activities in the past that have had their share in the success of the company. In between 1988 and 2011, Hooters sponsored sporting activities ranging from boat racing in Formula one to Hooters Golf Pro tour. Back in 2003, Hooters launched the Hooters Air Airline that was believed by many to have the prettiest stewardesses in the history of air transport. Hooters Company also runs several casinos in various major cities of the world (Graver 1-3). According to Brizek (2-3), the founders of the Hooters Company were three young men who saw the need to start a restaurant that would satisfy the needs of men. Therefore, in their minds the main target population was young men. This is clear and evident that Hooters Company targets young men in the market that is why the company uses the young girls- Hooter girls as their public figure. The company targets young men of approximately ages twenty five to thirty five years consisting of working class individuals as well as young rich business guys around the world. This is why Hooters restaurants cut across different religions; Christianity, Islamic and even Hinduism. These are the individuals with fancy lifestyles. Nevertheless, Hooters restaurants are widely spread in different states of the world targeting different nationalities such as the Americans both from North and Suoth America, Britons, Japanese, Chinese and

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