Monday, September 30, 2019

Environmental problems Essay

There are numerous environmental problems facing our planet at the moment. Economic globalisation is causing destruction of rainforests in South America while boring a hole through the ozone layer, global warming occurs because of the increased emissions by transport and industries, melting of polar ice-caps is threatening low-lying coastal areas, damage of marine resources through overfishing is taking place, acid rain and pollution of soil and groundwater resources results from using chemicals and artificial fertilisers to boost crop output, incidence of hurricanes and other natural disasters is increasing. There is little consensus within both academic and lay circles as to whether the nature is able to cope with the environmental problems itself. In my opinion, ecosystems have a great potential of restoring the state of natural balance; however, the devastating influence of the humankind has significantly undermined this ability. At the dawn of the 21st century, environmental problems are looming large, and many processes are already irreversible. For instance, species that became extinct due to man’s activity could have been essential elements of certain food chains and habitants. The frequency of large-scale natural calamities, especially in the places that have been for a long time considered relatively safe, is a telling manifestation of the inability of nature to sustain its balanced state. Yet the film argues that today is exactly the day when the humanity can redeem its attitude to nature and prevent a global catastrophe. Therefore, the need for a different approach to the relations between the mankind and environment is necessary. It is imperative to carry on conservation and purification activities coupled with a persistent effort by both businesses and individuals to reduce (and, under the dream scenario, to stop) their environmentally damaging activities. Both individuals and corporations can make a considerable contribution to stopping (or at least slowing down) the degradation of the environment. In fact, many individuals seldom realize how their consumption patters are contributing to the aggravation of the situation. The culture of consumerism that constitutes the underlying philosophy of the West fuels unnecessary overproduction: reconsidering one’s consumption pattern can be the first step on the long way of saving the Earth. As Hertsgaard (2000) argues, the adoption of Western consumerist lifestyle by developing nations poses great dangers and has to be stopped before it firmly catches on. Such an approach implies not only reduction in consumption of non-essential goods and services but also buying from companies that are known to use environmentally-benign technologies in the process of production. The question as to who will suffer first, the Earth or the humans, is incorrect in its essence. Such thinking about the environment is the root cause of the imminent crisis. It is a fatal mistake to think that man is the king of nature. Indeed, our disconnection from the nature resulted in the great degree of alienation and ignorance. While human species is an inherent part of the Earth’s global ecosystems, men prefer to view themselves as ‘outsiders,’ superior to other species. Such approach brought about the overexploitation of the Earth’s resources, considerable environmental damage, and global warming. As Hertsgaard (2000) argues, in many countries, like in Sudan, environmental problems are inherently and explicitly linked to survival through the supply of food and drinking water. In China, pollution at factories equally harms humans and nature. The future of our planet in 50 years is solely dependent on the measures the humankind implements now to prevent the imminent crisis. Hertsgaard (2000) associates hopes with new environmentally friendly industries such as solar power. Given the changing attitudes towards environmental problems, growing awareness, and public policy commitment to betterment of our natural habitat, the outlook for the Earth is not as grim as some doomsayers think.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Political Corruption and Vigilance Essay

â€Å"Greater transparency is an unstoppable force. It is the product of growing demands from everybody with an interest in any corporation-its stake holder web-and of rapid technological change, above all the spread of the internet, that makes it far easier for firms to supply information and harder for them to keep secrets. Firms now know that their internal e-mails may one day become public knowledge, for instance, and many big companies must co- exist with independent websites where employees can meet anonymously to air their grievances. With greater transparency will come greater accountability and better corporate behaviour. Rather than engage in futile resistance to it, firms should actively embrace transparency and breathing the values and generally get in better shape.† Don Tapscott, co-author of â€Å"The Naked Corporation† Contents Contents Page no. 1 Prologue I 2 Message by CVC regarding Vigilance Awareness Week II 3 The Malaise of Corruption 1-4 4 Evolution of the concept of Vigilance 5-7 5 Vigilance and line managers 8-11 6 What is Vigilance angle? 12 7 Relevant extracts of IPC relating to public  servants 13-14 8 Prevention of Corruption Act 15-27 9 Right to Information Act 28-47 10 FAQ on PIDPI resolution 48-50 11 CVC circulars on tendering 51-99 12 Preventive vigilance circulars 100-132 13 Vigilance case studies 133-145 14 Checkpoints on handling of tenders 146-151 15 Epilogue Prologue It gives me immense pleasure to state that in an attempt to inculcate a spirit of Vigilance Awareness amongst the employees of NCL, a modest effort has been made by the Vigilance Deptt. of NCL to publish a magazine named â€Å"Vigilance Perspective†. The magazine is intended to be quarterly in its periodicity. The contents of this issue have been calibrated and fine-tuned to include topics that have direct nexus with the perceived need to promote vigilance awareness/consciousness amongst the employees of NCL. In this endeavor no attempt has been made to project the claim of originality in any manner. CVC vide their instruction no.008/VGL/069 dt.7.10.08 had directed to use the Vigilance Awareness Week to publicise the protection informers resolution (Popularly known as Whistle Blower Resolution). Having regard to the instruction of CVC, a writeup on lodging complaint under PIDPI Resolution has been incorporated in this issue. Apart from Right to Information Act, and Prevention of Corruption Act, it contains chapters on leading vigilance case studies of NCL and system improvement circulars issued as a consequence of vigilance activities in NCL. Handling of contracts and public procurement of goods and services are generally perceived to be corruption prone areas. Considering the requirement of making public procurement efficient, transparent & equitable important CVC guidelines on tendering procedures have been made a part of this publication. Besides, the gist of CVC’s findings on irregularities found by them in handling of public procurement forms a chapter in this issue under the head â€Å"Checkpoints in handling contracts/supplies/purchase†. It is hoped that the checkpoints could be quite useful and handy for executives/employees in handling contracts/supplies/purchases. The maiden attempt has been possible on account of the untiring efforts of and unceasing/relentless endeavor of the executives/non executive of Vigilance Deptt. of NCL. Especially, but for the diligence of Shri Ashok Kumar, Sr.PA, Ms Reeta Pandit, Sr.PA and Shri R.Swansi, Sr.PA, it would not have been possible on the part of the undersigned to bring this out. Message by CVC regarding Vigilance Awareness Week Vigilance Awareness Week would be observed in all Governent organizations from 3rd. November to 7th. November 2008. It is the time of the year when we rededicate ourselves and renew our commitment to the cause of creating conditions to eliminate rent seeking behaviour and to ensure that public services are rendered with utmost honesty, sincerity and efficiency. 2. The Commission would like to see promotion of Preventive Vigilance Activities with emphasis on development of a foolproof system. A system that encourages strict adherence to the principles of non discretionary decision making on the basis of well defined rules would go a long way in obviating the need for disciplinary action well after the event is over. There cannot be a more apt description in this regard than the old adage: â€Å"Prevention is better than cure†. 3. The role of the Secretaries to the Govt. of India and the CMDs of the PSUs and the Public Sector Banks, as heads of the vigilance administration, in this regard, hardly needs any emphasis. Vigilance is very much a management tool and, as such, should be used synergetically with the other tools to improve efficiency by promoting competitiveness, equity and transparency. 4. The fight against corruption is too serious a task to be left to the heads of vigilance in Govt.Organisations or the Commisison alone. The civil society and citizens in general must play a far more effective and pro-active role in this fight. Of particular importance in this endeavour is the recourse to Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers’ (PIDPI) Resolution, 2004, under which the complainants can approach the Commission directly as â€Å"Whistle Blowers†. The Commission remains committed to protecting the safety and identity of the Whistle Blowers and urges more such persons to come forward in order to expose corruption in public life, taking advantage of PIDPI Resolution, 2004. (Sudhir Kumar) (Ranjana Kumar) Vigilance Commissioner Vigilance Commissioner (Pratyush Sinha) Central Vigilance Commiassioner THE MALAISE OF CORRUPTION-IT’S DIAGNOSIS & PROGNOSIS Gandhiji once remarked â€Å"Nations are born of travails and suffering†.The Independent India was born because of the dedication, suffering and sacrifice of our freedom fighters. Our freedom struggle is a testimony to the indomitable spirits of Indians to counter an oppressive regime and usher in anew era for us. Nehru’s â€Å"Tryst with destiny† speech set the tone for optimism for post- independence of India. Though the nation has made giant leaps in it’s position in the comity of nations,  yet crippling poverty of some, low per capita income & the standard of living of an average Indian as compared to the citizen of a developed nation remain as enduring features of Indian economy. A large chunk of Indians live under the poverty line. â€Å"Roti , kapda & makan† still remain a distant dream for toiling millions of Indians. It is a strange irony that India prides itself on having it’s presence in the Moon when quite a few Indians fail to make both ends meet. It is a story of contrasts-of successful Indians making a  mark in all spheres of human activities in the international level when millions of Indians are unable to make two ends meet. â€Å"World Hunger Index† of IFPRI, the â€Å"human development index† of UN, World Bank data on â€Å"child malnutrition and maternal mortality rate†,†Corruption perception index† of Transparency international, a survey of the center for media studies on â€Å"petty bribes†, â€Å"index of economic freedom† published annually by the heritage foundation and Wall Street Journal, the world bank annual series on † Ease of Doing business†, infraction of â€Å"rule of law† and â€Å"difficulty in closing business† do not show India in good light. CORRUPTION-THE VILLIAN OF THE PIECE Undoubtedly, Corruption is one of the predominant reasons for India’s backwardness in respect of some of the socio- economic indicators of development. The growth of economy is inversely related to the corruption index. To put it the other way, the GDP of a nation rises as the corruption index falls and vice-versa. The corrosive nature of corruption is indicated by the following negative impacts of corruption: †¢ It adversely affects the performance of the system as a whole and compromises the economy’s long term dynamics. †¢ It generates negative economy wide externalities that denigrates efficiency of the system. †¢ Corruption leads to the favoring of inefficient producers †¢ It distorts the allocation of scarce public resources and causes leakage of revenue from government coffers to private hands. †¢ It distorts the allocation of scarce public resources and causes leakage of revenue from government coffers to private hands. †¢ Large scale tax evasion erodes the tax base and in the process helps the generation of black money. Hence, it is not uncommon to find schools without students, teachers without schools, hospitals without doctors or medicines and so on ,though on paper all expenditures have been accounted for. †¢ Large scale tax evasion erodes the tax base and in the process helps the generation of black money. †¢ The result is crowding out of investment in priority sector such as education or health. †¢ Corruption in the economy leads to inflated government expenditures and scarce resources are squandered on uneconomic projects because of their potential to generate lucrative payoffs. No wonder that corruption is anti-poor and anti-national. In the immortal words of Mahatma Gandhi, â€Å"The progress of the nation will be hindered to the extent to which corruption seeps in† THE PERCEIVED NEED TO FIGHT CORRUPTION: As Dr. Manmohan Singh, the PM of India has observed, â€Å"Good governance rests on the honesty and integrity of civil servants and transparency of the administrative machinery.†Because of the negative impact of corruption on public governance and its intrinsic nature to baulk at the developmental process, there is both real and perceived need to combat corruption. HOW TO FIGHT AND DECIMATE CORRUPTION? The pessimists would lament that corruption is an invincible hydra-headed monster, which Phoenix like, rises from the ashes of it’s own destruction. On the contrary, the perennial optimists harbour a contrarian viewpoint . Their self-belief to wrestle with the malady of corruption stems from their  conviction that within each corrupt official inhabits an honest person with the vanity of an honest individual. Besides, they reckon with the fact that the vast majority bitterly resents corruption – they suffer in silence, somet imes in fear. Such resentments, if harnessed, would constitute a potent weapon against corruption. Success they say is a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words , if it is thought that corruption can be defeated, then it surely will be. However , if it is believed that corruption is intractable, then the pessimism will in all certainty fulfill itself. ———————————————————————————————————— â€Å"On this earth there is enough for everyone’s need , but not enough for their greed†-GANDHIJI ———————————————————————————————————— 7 The fight against corruption can only be successful when public awareness is coupled with anti-corruption efforts. The primary objective of creating public awareness is to sensitize the public about about the consequences of corruption and to educate the people about the improvements needed to create a corruption free society . As the current President of India,Mrs Pratibha Devsingh Patil has succintly observed, â€Å"A corruption free society is only possible if basic tenets of righteousness are deeply ingrained in our hearts and minds.† The CVC in their message on Vigilance awareness week have appropriately contended, â€Å"However, to fight the menace of corruption , collective and concentrated efforts are required in which the common man , who is the ultimate victim and beneficiary is an important partner. An evil like corruption can be eliminated only when the common man is empowered to become  fully aware of his rights , feels the need and has the urge to stand up against corrupt public servants. The right to information Act,if used to the optimum and in a judicious manner, has the potential for such empowerment.† When the common man becomes aware of his rights and duties, is familiar with rules, regulations ,laws,instructions etc he jettisons being the willing accomplice to corrupt practices. It needs an attitudinal change in him to non-co-operate with venal officials. Besides , a realization should dawn upon public officials that: †¢ They are the servants of the public and not their masters †¢ They should remind themselves that they should be so high that law is above them. In other words they should respect law and believe in rule of law. †¢ Their actions are subject to public and judicial scrutiny. †¢ They should be sensitive to the grievances of employees †¢ They should act reasonably, fairly and judiciously in exercise of discretion †¢ They must not do what they have been forbidden to do, nor must they do what  they have not been authorized to do. †¢ They must act in good faith, must have regard to relevant considerations, must  not be influenced by irrelevant considerations and must not seek to promote puposes alien to the letter and spirit of legisation. †¢ Their actions should be rational, legal and regular in nature. †¢ Law should not be administered with an â€Å"evil eye, unequal/oppressive mind and  unequal hand† †¢ Hostile discrimination without intelligible differentia should be avoided at all  cost. †¢ To avoid disproportionate administrative action. ———————————————————————————————————— Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist. Edmund Burke (1729-1797) British political writer ————————————————————————————————– 8 The vigilance awareness week provides an opportunity to rededicate ourselves to this mission and devise strategies in priority areas like system improvements and preventive vigilance . It also provides an opportunity to reach out to the stakeholders with a n open mind and to invite suggestions to chalk out ways and means to deliver services in a transparent and efficient manner and to devise a methodology to eliminate corruption from public life. The primary objective of the observance is to generate vigilance awareness amongst the stakeholders of NCL i.e., customers,employees , vendor partners etc. It was intended to sensitize the people about the need to wrestle with the dragon of corruption.It is possible to reduce corruption if only we convince ourselves that it can be done. The way out of corruption is to; 1. eliminate the corrupt practices in our official procedure. 2. combine- consider one integrated service counter instead of  many 3. re-sequence which can improve efficiency and reduce  corruption 4. substitute -offer the option to download routine forms from  the web to finish off the nexus of the peddlers 5. modify procedures 6. We must all understand the evils of corruption and imbibe the  culture of honesty,integrity, transparency and probity. Russel said if you articulate a point of view often enough it acquires  respectability.† Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come- so lets open our minds to the idea that corruption can indeed be defeated.†De tocqueville has said that the inevitable can become intolerable as soon as it is no longer perceived to be inevitable- so lets reject the inevitability  of corruption and soon we may find it to be truly intolerable.Shaw -success comes to the unreasonable man who wants to change; so lets resolve to be unreasonable. ———————————————————————————————————– â€Å"Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set a rolling it must increase.† Charles Caleb Colton (1780-1832) British clergyman, sportsman and author. ————————————————————————————————– ———————————————————————————————————— â€Å"I have often noticed that a bribe has that effect — it changes a relation. The man who offers a bribe gives away a little of his own importance; the bribe once accepted, he becomes the inferior, like a man who has paid for a woman.† Graham Greene (1904-1991) English writer. 9 EVOLUTION OF THE CONCEPT OF VIGILANCE By: B.Pradhan Chief Vigilance Officer/NCL Etymologically, VIGILANCE connotes watchfulness and the planned effort to uncover and punish corruption and bribery. But the concept of vigilance has undergone metamorphosis in the course of inexorable march of human history. The present concept of vigilance, however, is inextricably connected with its history. It can be understood properly only when it is read in conjunction with its history. An man emerged stumbling and slouching from the jungles and put forward his tentative steps in the direction of a civilized existence, he has been seized of the problem of combating corruption both at the individual as well as the societal place. In other words, the problem of corruption is as old as the human race and mankind’s war against corruption dates back to Adam’s Original sin. Before human beings coalesced into society, the life of human beings was either  Ã¢â‚¬Å"solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short† or â€Å"one of noble savage†. In either case, the ye arning or search for an ordered, regulated, corruption-free and peaceful life has exercised the minds of thinkers, philosophers and social scientists. Concurrently, with the evolution human society, mankind has devised structures, systems, rules, regulations, legal framework and principles for regulating human behaviors so as to obviate the scope for corruption in socio-economic- political order. We may have a glimpse of the tectonic changes or shifts that have taken place in man’s quest for justice, liberty, equality & integrity. It is a matter of history that highly developed civilization existed in China, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon and India in ancient days. It is also a fact that corruption, in its different forms, also coexisted during those days. So also, the human endeavor to curb and eliminate corruption in its different manifestations. The wide prevalence of corruption in Ancient India is evident in Kautilya’s Arthasastra. Kautilya drew a parallel between a fish in water and an official of the state invested with power for discharging the functions of the state. With words, pregnant with wisdom and indicating his pragmatism/political sagacity, he observed that just as it is difficult to say whether a fish deep in water is drinking water or not, so also, it is not easy to say whether government servant is corrupt or not. He also says that just as it is impossible not to taste the drop of honey or poison that is placed at the tip of the tongue, so it is rather impossible for the government employee not to eat up at least a bit of king’s revenue. In his monumental work, Kautilya lists 40 ways of embezzlement. Not only that, he prescribes different punishments for different crimes. Besides, Indian folklore is replete with stories of kings and nobles employing the services of spies for keeping an eye on potential criminals, enemies of state and offenders of discipline. Further, the concept of policing was an integral part of and an important element in the criminal administration during the ancient age. A study of the justice system prevalent then gives an insight into the notion of vigilance in vogue then and shows that preventive as well as punitive vigilance were in practice then. The middle ages, however, marked a new phase in the evolution of state and state craft. The spirit of republicanism, the growth of democracy and the germination of the concept of rule of law was aborted by the â€Å"concept of divine right of kingship.† The  absolute monarch claimed his ancestry to god and ruled by the power of his sword a s the regent of the god. The acts of omission and commission of the king were given a religious colour. He was referred to as the march of god on earth. The religion of man was exploited to legitimize the rule of the monarchs of those days. The church and the kind reinforced each other in maintaining their respective positions in the social scale. The long and short of it was that the boundary wall between the political and the religious domain was smudged/blurred. Consequently, enormous powers were concentrated in the kings, princes, priests and those in their close proximity. Such concentration of power bred corruption, injustice and oppression of the downtrodden. Kings, princes and nobles governed as per their whims, facies and caprices by giving their acts a religious colour. The advent of renaissance and reformation in western Europe marks a watershed in man’s search for shacking absolute power of monarchy. Reformation challenged the dominance of Papal church and questioned it’s supremacy in the maters of faith. ——————————————————————————————————————————– â€Å"Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country.† Karl Kraus (1874-1936) Austrian satirist.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Condom Advertising Essay

Condom has been a vital contraceptive and STD prevention tool for thousands of years. Several types of male and female condoms are available. Some condoms are made of plastic or animal tissue i. e. lambskin, latex. Condoms are the most effective against viruses such as HIV but Condom use declined markedly during the 1960s as the birth control pills was introduced and contraceptive devices such IUDs became more widely accepted. After the introduction of birth control pills people started avoiding condoms because according to them sex with condoms doesn’t give that much pleasure, But the emergence of HIV/AIDS in the early 1980s , condom use re-emerged and has became increasingly recognized as a critical means of preventing infection with HIV and other STDs that can facilitate HIV infection. Yet many of those at high risk of contracting HIV are not using condoms consistently. For example, recent studies have found that 40 % of sexually active high school students or adult world wide did not use a condom during their most ecent sexual encounter and 87 percent do not believe they are at risk of acquiring HIV. Controversy over Condoms Advertising: Condoms promotion campaigns especially those using a mass media and targeting sexually active youth are controversial. Public usually don’t want to see condoms commercial. Especially in Islamic society, a large number of people are against contraceptive advertising. Do people really feel embarrassed watching such ads in front of their family? Fear of public controversy makes official support difficult and often weakens the potential impact of mass media interventions by diluting the content of the message. Entertaining condoms commercials do always face public’s controversy. Networks don’t care whether commercials contained message or not, they want decent condoms commercials. They want condoms marketer to hide other benefits of condom except prevention of STDs and HIV/AIDs. But do decent condoms commercial can make an impact on consumers mind? Does use of humor and sexual appeal in condoms commercial lead the youngsters towards sex? Networks have been slow to respond to the increasing public acceptance of condom advertising for fear of arousing the opposition of conservative groups. Networks believe that viewers think that condoms encourage promiscuity or may be uncomfortable with the idea of condom advertising within the privacy of homes. Most of the networks want very decent commercials of condoms or otherwise they do reject commercial; Recently FOX and CBS both rejected the Trojan pigs commercial. Both had accepted Trojan’s previous campaign, which urge condom use because of the possibility that a partner might be H. I. V positive, perhaps unknowingly. In a written response to Trojan, though, FOX said that it had rejected the spot because â€Å"Contraceptive advertising must stress health-related uses rather than the prevention of pregnancy. † Due to limited budget and other restrictions, condom marketers and advertisers are facing many problems, because of these restrictions condoms advertiser tend to direct their message to niches audiences through targeted magazines and cable stations (i-e MTV, Channel V, SHE magazine ) rather than the major broadcast networks. The restrictions placed on condom advertising by networks and local stations combined with the modest dvertising budgets of condoms marketers has kept condom advertising at low to imperceptible levels. Advertising of condoms remains more restricted than advertising of many other products including contraceptives. And whether it is due to those restrictions or for other financial reasons, the advertising budgets of condom companies have been so low that condom ads h ave been relatively rare even on those networks and affiliates willing to accept such ads. We have seen many beer commercials; Viagra and oral contraceptive appear on TV (different networks of world) regularly, condom advertising remains limited and highly controversial. Condom advertising is prohibited by National Association of broadcasters’ (NAB) code of Conducts and many religious parties do not permit networks to air its commercials. The first network in the world was KNTV, San Jose, which despite codes decided to carry a spot for Trojan in 1975. Some of the networks and stations that accept condom commercials impose certain limits on them, such as restricting the time of the day they can be run, or requiring their messages to be focused on diseases prevention rather than birth control. Condom marketers express frustration with the time limits networks impose. Condoms marketer could not place their condom ad during primetime even though other consumer product are able to run a network commercial that stimulate sex. Some networks draw a strong line between messages about disease prevention – which may be allowed – and those about pregnancy prevention, which may be considered controversial for religious and moral reasons. Policies for Condoms Advertising: The sensitive and personal nature of this product category warrants that particular care be exercised by the advertiser in the development of commercials. Such commercials will be accepted only if they meet the following conditions: Commercials must: †¢deal solely with the issue of disease prevention †¢make education of the public of primary importance †¢display and promotion of the product must be done in a responsible and sensible manner Commercials must not: †¢make mention of contraception †¢promote casual sex and promiscuity Public Opposition: Usually in forming policies for condom advertising, networks executives rely heavily on audience feedback. The less they hear from viewers on issues around condoms advertising, the better they assume such advertising is received. Silence is golden in this case! The less response, the better it is. Industry executives agree that the landscape for condom ads has improved markedly in the last several years but note that there are still significant obstacles to overcome for greater consistency in policy and broader acceptance. Advertisers vow to continue trying to reach a broad market through network television and say they will grow their budgets when they can more easily place their ads. Most networks say they will continue to evaluate viewer reception to ads from this small but increasingly less controversial advertiser. Most of the people believe that condom ads motivate young’s to do sex because it eliminates the fear of HIV/AIDS, STDs and Pregnancy. And it opposes the traditional values that sex should be kept within the marriage bed. People oppose condom ads because they promote promiscuity. Some TV stations, especially on cable, permit some limited condom advertising, but only late at night when children are presumed to be asleep. Condoms adverts do often appear in magazines which appeal to young adults. Whenever people see condom commercials they switched the other channel or will turnoff the T. V set or may be leave the gathering immediately. Family planning groups argue such ads could help reduce teen pregnancies and check the spread of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. People celebrate the sensational aspects of sex and sexuality while entangling the public health aspects of the issue in a straightjacket of fear, shame and denial. Manufacturer do use sexy images to sell sneakers, soft drinks, cars and cosmetics, doesn’t it make a sense for the condom marketer to use them. What do we believe that condom advertising should be aired on TV, there was no consensus on how ad should feature the product and when it should be aired. Our world is on the verge of an AIDs epidemic. Can we afford to be coy about sex and contraception? In urban settings, people seem to know that condoms, if used properly can deter the spread of HIV/AIDs and prevent pregnancy. Many new studies have shown that condom advertising, banned for many years on network television is acceptable to most Americans, Europeans, Germans and Asians. The spread of HIV/AIDS has convinced a growing number of governments to liberalize policies toward condom advertising. Condom ads were once banned in the United Kingdom and France, for example, but are now legal. Other countries that explicitly permit condom advertising include Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, France, Peru, Singapore, and Uganda. The government of Ethiopia itself advertises contraceptives, including condoms. In Russia a government safe-sex campaign uses advertising as its main approach. In contrast, some governments continue to forbid condom advertising or strictly regulate it. In Indonesia, for example, condom advertising is not allowed if condoms are promoted for sexual activities such as extramarital sex or sex with commercial sex workers—illicit activities likely to spread HIV/AIDS—but is acceptable if condoms are promoted as a family planning method . Condom ads do not negatively affect viewer’s attitudes toward advertising, although networks restrict the time of the day when condom ads can air and limit their message and tone. But the question arises that these ads should be aired only on a particular time Do the message of safe sex if not for the whole society? Or only particular classes of society are exposed to the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or HIV/AIDs or pregnancy? Ten years ago, no broadcast television network would air a paid condom commercial. Today, three of the six major broadcast networks allow condom companies to advertise on their airwaves, with some limitations on message, tone, and time of day. Fox began accepting condom ads in 1991, CBS in 1998, and NBC in 1999. ABC, UPN, and The WB continue to prohibit paid condom ads. ABC airs ads for prescription birth control pills, and The WB says it would consider ads for the pill as well. UPN and The WB do not broadcast network programming after 10 p. m. Several cable companies have allowed condom advertising for years, and some broadcasters that restrict paid condom ads accept public service ads referencing condoms or safer sex. One advertising agency said that television is one of the most effective means of educating people on the use of contraceptives. However, business people should avoid offending local cultural, social and religious sensitivities. It can be difficult to promote a practice or a product that can interfere with sexual pleasure, can be awkward to use, provides no immediate rewards, and is often associated with distrust and immorality, and whose reliability and effectiveness are often questioned. To be effective, condom promotion must engage people, reach them emotionally, and persuade them that using condoms is important, acceptable, convenient, and the social norm. The advertising of condoms can be especially difficult in conservative societies. The approach in Egypt, where the target is families and the message is family planning, contrasts dramatically with a risque 1998 advertising campaign developed by McCann-Erickson for Durex condoms, targeting young single people and run in Europe. In Egypt, an advertising execution for a condom brand shows a father and mother introducing themselves and their children in a loving way. The message, explained by the parents, is that having only two children, spaced a few years apart, means that one can spend time and attention taking care of them. The advertising of condoms is a very sensitive topic, whether in the context of family planning or preventive health care. In Bahrain, regarded as one of the more liberal Gulf States, the advertising of contraceptives is forbidden. Other products may also be subject to restrictions because of a desire to maintain modesty in the society. For example, a Korean company applied for permission to advertise its underwear product in the Bahrain airport location. The advertising was acceptable only if the words â€Å"Best Cotton Underwear† was removed; which shows the offending text crossed out. Benefits of Condoms Commercials: Several factors proved the importance of condoms advertising: the devastations wrought by HIV/AIDS; the sexual nature of many TV shows; if you see from the public point of view, condoms have an even greater potential in that they can reduce the risk of aids and other STDs, networks are not justifying turning condoms ads down while accepting other contraceptive ads. Following are the main reason why we favored condom commercials: 1) Lack of awareness (especially among sexually active young people) of the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS and some other STIs, as well as pregnancy. ) Promote condom use as fashionable, acceptable and responsible, and as an essential part of HIV/AIDS, sexual health and sex education. 3) Short, 30-60 second radio and television advertising spots can be highly effective in delivering health-related messages. 4) To educate the public to the only product †capable of slowing the spread’’ of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS. 5) It will reduce the unwanted pregnancy rates Condoms Advertisement in Pakistan In Pakistan, men are the primary reason why family planning is not a priority and contraceptive use is so low. In a country with about 130 million people, only 12 percent of Pakistani women report using a modern contraceptive method, and Pakistan has the highest total fertility rate among the ten most populous countries. Men’s concerns, beliefs, and practices must be addressed; failure to do so will relegate Pakistan, and its women, to continued high birth rates and unnecessary maternal and child deaths. Men must be motivated to act, to be concerned about their family’s and their wife’s health. Only when men act, or at least do not interfere when their wives desire to act, will the situation improves. The widespread social marketing of condoms in Pakistan has been useful in exposing men to modern methods of avoiding unwanted pregnancies. In Pakistan, men dominate all activities outside the household, including shopping. Thus, men see Sathi condoms at local shops, learn from the media or from friends that it is a simple and affordable means of preventing an unwanted pregnancy, and are inspired to purchase it. Sathi can thus be seen as an introduction to modern contraception, with some couples then graduating to more effective or permanent methods. Targeting Men: The overriding dominance of men as decision-makers in Pakistan, and the restrictions on women’s movements outside the home, has fueled the need to target men in national FP campaigns. Condoms, the premier male contraceptive method, have traditionally been promoted to men. As a result, PSI/SMP has tailored its multi-media condom social marketing messages and educational campaigns to appeal to men and address their resistance points. a. Sense of Male Responsibility The objective of these campaigns is to increase a man’s sense of responsibility for family size and for his wife’s reproductive health. An increased sense of male responsibility – combined with appropriate knowledge about the benefits of family planning, messages which motivate action, and clear instructions on where to go for quality FP products and services – should lead to increased contraceptive use. PSI/SMP has used multiple strategies to motivate men to purchase Sathi condoms. b. Providing Relevant and Correct Information to Men Even with female contraceptive methods – such as Green Star IUDs, oral contraceptives (OCs), and injectables – PSI/SMP targets its messages for male as well as female clients. It is critical to get the men on board since they have an important role not only in the decision to purchase contraceptives, but because they are often the ones to buy the products. In some cases, when a woman’s movements are restricted by purdah, for example, her husband will visit the doctor or pharmacist and may be the only source of information on oral contraceptives and their potential side effects. c. Small Family Norm The PSI/SMP television and cinema commercials which promote Green Star hormonal contraceptives and FP clinics prominently feature men. In one scene, a husband is at first reluctant to discuss family planning with his wife, or permit her to visit a Green Star clinic. After a dream sequence, in which the husband is overwhelmed by rowdy, noisy children, he immediately agrees with his wife that there should be an adequate period between births in order to give each child the time and attention she/he deserves. The commercial closes with the couple visiting a Green Star FP clinic together. d. Male Providers While PSI/SMP is engaged in intensive efforts to train female medical practitioners, it will also train thousands of male doctors and pharmacists. Research indicates that men are more likely to go to other men – particularly male doctors and pharmacists – for information about family planning. It is therefore important that these male medical practitioners provide correct information to men, so that misconceptions can be dispelled and men can assist and even motivate their wives to begin practising contraception. e. Inter-spousal Communication PSI/SMP also communicates more generic messages to the public, those which do not promote a specific contraceptive method or brand, but instead aim to change behaviors in ways that encourage family planning practice. For example, television, radio, and other media promote inter-spousal communication, with a husband and wife discussing family planning options. Research in other countries has shown that couples who discuss family planning are more likely to use modern contraceptives than those couples who avoid the subject. f. Girl Child Throughout its communications campaigns, PSI/SMP has strived to improve the status of women in Pakistan through positive and empowering images and messages. In all PSI/SMP advertisements, for example, a couple is shown with only one child – a girl – with the father obviously loving and caring for the girl. By consistently showing a girl child, PSI/SMP hopes that this will decrease Pakistani men’s preference for a male child, and show that girls are equal in value to boys. Improving the status of women in the eyes of men and in the eyes of the society will lead to increased female empowerment, ultimately resulting in women asserting more control over their reproductive health and family size. Since Pakistan is considered an Islamic society, running condoms commercial on air would raise some controversies. People are not ready to accept these commercials. For them watching condoms commercial, discussing sexual issues is a bit embarrassing. Condom commercial motivates people to have sex out of marriage bed and this is what against their traditional values. It is something that is prohibited in Islam. Condoms advertising were aimed to be potentially socially sensitive in the Asian community, particularly which could clash with traditional values, like keeping oneself disinterested and pure, having few desires, respect for tradition, and moderation.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Changing trends in employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Changing trends in employment - Essay Example The increased flexibilization process and deregulation of the labour market from both high and low income countries have, over the years, presented new challenges, especially with the intensification of the market competition in search for decreased production costs. The liberalization of the trade schemes plays a key role in reinforcing the competitive pressures of the global markets. As a result, such developments result in profound changes in technological, production, innovation, employment conditions, and the structures of firms (Alvesson 2001, p. 863). By 1980s, the economic restructuring was enhanced through the decentralization of the production. The institutional changes at the micro level ranged from outsourcing and downsizing to changes in the skill requirement, transformations and work organizations towards the workforce composition. The liberalization of trade has also played a key role in changing the requirements in skills and employment due to the dynamics and the relative wages (Scarborough 1999, p. 8). This shifts the labour intensive production processes to the low-wage countries. These transformations impact differently to both men and women, and the variation is dependent on several factors. The feminization of the labour force continues at both domestic and international levels. This has led to increased participation of women labour force as well as deterioration of the working conditions in jobs previously dominated by males (Balakrishnan & Huang 2000, p. 43-7). Changes in employment have profoundly affected the productive processes and have transformed modes and functions for most firms. This has, in turn, affected the labour relations and employment conditions. The structures in labour markets have been reorganized and destabilized. The changing production landscape at micro-level has increased job opportunities as well as generation of new employment positions. The changes in the micro level of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Deontological Ethics Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Deontological Ethics Case Study - Essay Example Company officials failed to map out civilian farms to be avoided despite the US Congress approving the discriminate use of harmful herbicides in the region (Lawson, 2001). As a result, approximately 10,000 natives of the region suffered from severe health complication. In addition, an immense loss of livestock and agricultural produce occurred. Dyncorp faced further disgrace in 2005 when allegations made by a whistleblower named Ben Johnston surfaced. He claimed that Dyncorp soldiers engaged in inhumane acts of trafficking, forceful prostitution with minors when on contract in Bosnia (Dowbenko, 2002). Deontological implications of the ethical problem A quick glance into the background of PMCs operating within the US indicates that these companies generate billions in their annual revenues; for example, Dyncorp’s revenues are about 3 billion yet it is a medium-sized company in this field (Dyncorp, 2012). Governments rely on the protection and military services offered by these firms when the country’s army has been deployed to attend to other pressing matters (Dyncorp, 2012). The running of these companies remains independent from the government because the stakeholders are private entities. The deontological implications of the ethical problem posed by Dyncorp revolve around the duty of the company to their clients and the people living within the affected region. Dyncorp’s duty to the government involved the company ensuring that the curtailing of drug production through the destruction of drug plantations (Dowbenko, 2007). Nonetheless, the company had a moral obligation to the inhabitants of the region to differentiate the drug plantations from the crop plantations. Disregarding their duty to the inhabitants of the region proves to be unethical and is an indication of poor corporate social responsibility policies (Lawson, 2001). Dyncorp disregarded the safety of human life led to the indiscriminate application of herbicides within the reg ion, therefore, defying different deontological principles (Dowbenko, 2002). The company’s incompetent actions fail to meet the standard set by the categorical imperative principle posited by Immanuel Kant (Stanford, 2007). The categorical imperative advances that an action or decision made ought to be universal in nature, meaning, it can be applied in similar circumstances because it qualifies as a universal rule or law. Negligent behavior is also wrong because it pays little regard to the concept of duty or moral obligation, which is the core concept of deontology ethics (Stanford, 2007). In addition, the company’s involvement in inhumane acts against underage children, in Bosnia, shows failure of the company to adhere to their moral obligations to their duties. a) Resolution of the problem; b)do you agree with the resolutions; c) Whether the problem was resolved consistent with the principles of deontological ethics Resolution of the problem involved efforts made by both the government and the company’s managerial board. The government imposed limitations on the jurisdiction of Dyncorp when serving in the capacity of hired soldiers when operating in foreign lands. The government also cautioned company officials to avoid negligent behavior when carrying out their services (Dowbenko, 2002). The US Department of Defense in 2005 drafted a proposal, which prohibited the involvement of military contractors in human trafficking, forced labor and prostitution (Dowbenko,

When in Rome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

When in Rome - Essay Example There are impÐ ¾rtant salt flats near the city Ð ¾f RÐ ¾me, because salt is sÐ ¾ impÐ ¾rtant in the ancient wÐ ¾rld. As RÐ ¾mans expanded their empire they encÐ ¾untered many different envirÐ ¾nments. The RÐ ¾man army had tÐ ¾ learn different ways Ð ¾f fighting ways Ð ¾f cÐ ¾nquering different areas. During the periÐ ¾d Ð ¾f the RÐ ¾man Empire (100 B.C. tÐ ¾ 500 A.D.) RÐ ¾mans had envirÐ ¾nmental advantage Ð ¾f cÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾lling the Mediterranean Sea. AlsÐ ¾ anÐ ¾ther advantage is getting fÐ ¾Ã ¾ds and materials frÐ ¾m lÐ ¾ts Ð ¾f different envirÐ ¾nments. YÐ ¾u cÐ ¾uld get tin frÐ ¾m England, wÐ ¾Ã ¾d frÐ ¾m Germany, cÐ ¾ttÐ ¾n frÐ ¾m Egypt, and silver frÐ ¾m Spain. RÐ ¾mans started Ð ¾ff as farmers and shepherds. They never lÐ ¾st the lÐ ¾ve Ð ¾f "simple"cÐ ¾untry life. In the spring farmers prepared field strips using heavy flÐ ¾ws pulled by an Оxen. They planted by seeds by hand. They tÐ ¾Ã ¾ls farmers used were irÐ ¾n spades, hÐ ¾es, wÐ ¾Ã ¾den rakes fÐ ¾r cutting grass, they have knifes fÐ ¾r cutting wheat called sickles and scythes. Even thÐ ¾ugh they have knifes they invented a wheat cutting machine called Vallus. A vallus is a 2-weeled cart pushed by a hÐ ¾rse Ð ¾r mule. Farmers tÐ ¾Ã ¾k crÐ ¾ps frÐ ¾m Asia and the Mediterranean all Ð ¾ver EurÐ ¾pe. They were alsÐ ¾ RÐ ¾man dÐ ¾ctÐ ¾rs. They relied Ð ¾n a mixture Ð ¾f cÐ ¾mmÐ ¾n sense, superstitiÐ ¾n and what had wÐ ¾rked befÐ ¾re. They didnt understand the causes Ð ¾f disease. DÐ ¾ctÐ ¾rs were usually men. SÐ ¾me medicines are based Ð ¾n plants. PÐ ¾ppy seed is Ð ¾ne Ð ¾f the main seed medicines. PÐ ¾ppy seed juice is given tÐ ¾ crying babies because it helped them tÐ ¾ sleep. The mÐ ¾dern pain-killing drug mÐ ¾rphine is made frÐ ¾m pÐ ¾ppy seed. Ancient RÐ ¾man wÐ ¾men wÐ ¾re lÐ ¾Ã ¾se tunics. The main garment is an ankle length stÐ ¾la tied at the waist belÐ ¾w their breast. A brÐ ¾Ã ¾ch at the shÐ ¾ulder fastened the stÐ ¾la. Оver it, a rectangle clÐ ¾th usually drÐ ¾pped Ð ¾ver Ð ¾ne shÐ ¾ulder, arÐ ¾und back. They usually wÐ ¾re sandals. At hÐ ¾me they wÐ ¾re elegant

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

ENTERPRISE & SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

ENTERPRISE & SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - Essay Example The external factors include culture, role models, work experience, education, and environment. It is important to look at all of these factors and their influence on entrepreneurial behaviour. The relationship between the entrepreneur, personality characteristics, values, and other dimensions helps explain why some become entrepreneurs and others do not. Entrepreneurship is often difficult and tricky, as many new ventures fail. In the context of the creation of for-profit enterprises, entrepreneur is often synonymous with founder. Most commonly, the term entrepreneur applies to someone who creates value by offering a product or service in order to obtain certain profit. While there is social entrepreneurship in most markets, business entrepreneurs often have strong beliefs about a market opportunity and are willing to accept a high level of personal, professional or financial risk to pursue that opportunity. Business entrepreneurs are viewed as fundamentally important in the capitalistic society. Some distinguish business entrepreneurs as either "political entrepreneurs" or "market entrepreneurs." There is also the concept of social entrepreneurship. Since the beginning of the history, people have been interested in studying the nature of entrepreneurship. They wanted to find the 'traits' that distinguished entrepreneurs from non-entrepreneurs and successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful entrepreneurs. Some researchers believed that cognitive and psychological factors like intelligence, ambition and aggressiveness are the traits commonly found in entrepreneurs. However, there were also another set of researchers who believed that physical characteristics like height (especially more than average), large body structure and personal attractiveness are important traits of entrepreneurs. Most research studies on entrepreneurship suggest that there are certain factors that differentiate entrepreneurs from non - entrepreneurs. Some of these include initiative, desire to lead, integrity, self-confidence, analytical ability, and knowledge of the specific company, industry or technology. If in case the above mentioned factors are supplemented with traits such as charisma, creativity and flexibility, an individual is likely to be an effective leader. The presence of these characteristics in an individual does not guarantee that he will be an effective l

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strategic Planning and Development (Masdar City tourism Perspective) - Essay

Strategic Planning and Development (Masdar City tourism Perspective) - Continued - Essay Example This paper will attempt to present a campaign plan for enhancing the tourism industry of Masdar City. Masdar City is a project and unit of Masdar, an Abu Dhabi-based renewable energy company of UAE. This company has planned and developed this city backed by green technologies (Masdar-a, n.d.). This beautiful city is a potential tourists’ destination and hence, it requires better campaign plan for promoting this city in the global travel and tourism industry. Therefore, its goal involves the campaign plan for Masdar City. As this paper deals with the formulation of campaigning plan for Masdar City, the goal of this paper is to develop Masdar City as the most attractive destination for the tourists, who want to spend their holidays in a green and healthy environment. B. Objectives In order to make the tasks more focused and well defined, specific objectives are very essential. In case of business development though marketing plans, there must be a set of objectives for each spec ific area. Objective provides a platform to achieve the overall and long term goal of an entire task. Hurd, Barcelona and Meldrum have defined objectives as â€Å"measurable steps to achieve goals† (Hurd, Barcelona and Meldrum, 2008, p.53). They have also focused on developing the smart objectives. The smart objectives must have some features i.e. â€Å"specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, timed† (Marinel, 2005, p.23). For enhancing the validity of this campaign plan, some specific objectives are framed to achieve long term goal of this campaign plan and these objectives are stated below. Before establishing a campaign plan, it necessary to obtain and analyze the feedbacks of internal publics i.e. employees and residents of Masdar city. These internal publics of Masdar and residents will be able to provide useful information for bringing further improvements. The internal publics must include the employees associated with the project of Masdar City development. Ext ernal publics are the potential tourists from the different countries of the world and these people will have proper knowledge of Masdar City’s features and location. Therefore, more than 50% of external publics of different countries must be made aware of the features of Masdar City within next three months. Currently, Masdar are using its websites and social networking sites to promote Masdar City. However, in order to compete in the global tourism market, it needs to increase the advertising frequency. Hence, it must increase its advertising activities and expenses by 75% within the end of next two months. The advertising medium should include television, social network sites, newspaper, hoardings etc. For better campaign planning, it is also necessary to target and specify the markets. The target market includes the different countries of the world from which tourists may visit Masdar City. Therefore, Masdar must conduct promotional programs in these target countries afte r finishing awareness programs. C. Strategies Formulation of strategies must take into consideration the overall goal and specific objectives of this campaign plan for Masdar City. Moreover, the different type of target publics is also an important factor in this process. UAE is emerging as a major tourist destination in the global tourism industry. Dubai has already become one of the most preferred destinations by the global tourists. Moreover,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Company Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Company Analysis - Research Paper Example Therefore, from a marketing perspective, the name ‘Hooter’ by the company represents class of restaurants rendering special services to customers mainly young men through young women who are mainly the waitresses. The parent company is the Hooters, Inc comprises of two restaurant companies; Hooters of America and the Hooters spread in over for hundred and thirty five locations worldwide. Apart from the foods and drinks, the company has also been involved some other activities in the past that have had their share in the success of the company. In between 1988 and 2011, Hooters sponsored sporting activities ranging from boat racing in Formula one to Hooters Golf Pro tour. Back in 2003, Hooters launched the Hooters Air Airline that was believed by many to have the prettiest stewardesses in the history of air transport. Hooters Company also runs several casinos in various major cities of the world (Graver 1-3). According to Brizek (2-3), the founders of the Hooters Company were three young men who saw the need to start a restaurant that would satisfy the needs of men. Therefore, in their minds the main target population was young men. This is clear and evident that Hooters Company targets young men in the market that is why the company uses the young girls- Hooter girls as their public figure. The company targets young men of approximately ages twenty five to thirty five years consisting of working class individuals as well as young rich business guys around the world. This is why Hooters restaurants cut across different religions; Christianity, Islamic and even Hinduism. These are the individuals with fancy lifestyles. Nevertheless, Hooters restaurants are widely spread in different states of the world targeting different nationalities such as the Americans both from North and Suoth America, Britons, Japanese, Chinese and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Solving Eating Difficulty in Children Essay Example for Free

Solving Eating Difficulty in Children Essay Eating difficulty is an issue that is so fundamental and often case to children. Sometimes, when a child is so difficult to chew food invited to make us frustrated. Since then, usually we will try a variety of ways like providing herbal appetite enhancers and hunting childs favorite foods every day. The matters the child eating disorder also intrigued our interest to make an article about tips to overcome the difficult child to eat. Here are the details. Serve meals with small portions. Maybe the kid does not like the size of your portions that so reluctant to eat the food there. Many children are ilfeel after seeing a sizable portion. So, try to give a little so that they can eat faster and do not get bored in spend food. Get together with family Do not let children eat alone and we need to create an atmosphere of togetherness when the child was time to eat. For example, you and your husband are on the table then eat foods together. With the atmosphere of togetherness, then the childs appetite will occur slowly. Provide healthy snacks One of the things that concern by parents is the development of the child if he did not want to eat. Of course, when children are fussy eaters then its growth will be stunted and not as friends. One of the best ways to keep it is to try to give nutritional healthy snack. Give interesting snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, and nutritious bread. Variety of food and a nice appearance Perhaps, he needs a variety of foods that your appetite he has incurred. For example, you could give spinach on the first day, broccoli on the second day, and chicken-based dishes in the next day. Variety of foods is a very important thing to prevent children from boredom and the desire not to eat. However, there is one more thing that could trigger a childs appetite, which is an interesting food dish. For example, you can cook carrots to form a star or a unique object. Children will be attracted by the shape and believed to increase appetite. Hopefully, some difficulty eating kids tips above can help you.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Global Warming Rough Draft Environmental Sciences Essay

Global Warming Rough Draft Environmental Sciences Essay In recent discussions on the topic of Global Warming, a controversial issue has been whether the facts support this as a real issue and that the worlds temperature is in fact warming or one of this being a myth and the planets overall temperatures are not raising any more or less than in any other time in history. On the one hand, some argue that patterns of climate change have always existed in history and that does not show that the planet is warming at all. From this perspective, many factors can effect climate change and the planet has a cycle of warming and cooling that has continued throughout history. On the other hand, others argue that the use of fossil fuels such as (oil, gas, and coal) have created excess Co2 in the atmosphere creating a greenhouse effect that has helped to raise temperatures of the planet substantially. In the words of most reputable scientists, one of this views main proponents, Al Gore author of the inconvenient truth, states global warming is indeed a serious issue in our world and is not just a myth. According to this view, climate change is an excepted fact and the planet is indeed warming as a result of human beings burning fossil fuels. In sum, then, the actual issue is whether global warming is real or a myth. Most scientists agree that this is not debatable and see it as more of fact. The dispute of global warming can be narrowed into two parallel debates. One is scientific, which focuses on the analyses of complex data that is hard for the lay person to understand and the other political side which is addressing what the proper response governments should take to a hypothetical risk. To add to this complex issue, large energy companies are lobbying against global warming in an effort to manipulate the truth, making even more grey areas and casting doubt on its veracity. Each side of the debate provides abundant scientific evidence that attempts to prove there point. Proponents of an instantaneous and all-encompassing regulatory response insist that the scientific debate has long been settled. Some scientific skepticism can be beneficial for scientists to challenge themselves to improve the understanding of the science behind global warming. Thus far this is not what materializes with climate change denial. Disbelievers dynamically censure any evidence that supports the issue that human beings are the main cause of global warming and yet embrace any argument, article, study, or blog that proposes disproving global warming or the affects individuals are partaking on global warming. The deniers and skeptics have used similar deceitful schemes that they have used for years. They continue to attack the messenger, proposing that a worldwide plot of officials and environmental scientists are trying to safeguard their funding using a one-sided portrayal of the IPCC process. Their attempts are to highlight any specific downgrade in the predictions and lift that out of context to suggest a less dire overall picture. Casting a fortified doubt and confusion, following the model of th e experts employed for years by the tobacco industry to debunk the effects of smoking direct relation to cancer. This is why Global Warming still has many controversies surrounding the topic that draw attention away from the real issue. Global warming still has many controversies surrounding the topic that draw attention away from the real issue. One example would be the resent Climatgate scandal where scientists were accused of manipulating and possible destroying data on climate change. According to an anonymous hacker with the pseudonym FOIA hacked into email accounts gathering over 1000 personal emails. The hacker then leaked small details of the emails in a way that at first looked like two chief researchers had manipulated or omitted parts of the data in order to present their findings. They later found the researchers did nothing wrong in the research or no evidence was found of foul play or manipulation. This shows the ongoing struggle at what lengths the individuals are willing to go to debunk the research. Many discussions still continue on the topic of Global Warming with both sides taking a stand on whether the facts support this as a real issue and the worlds temperature is in fact warming or one of thi s being a myth and the planets overall temperatures are not raising any more or less than in any other time in history. According to the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the product of hundreds of leading scientists from around the globe, confirms that global warming is happening now and needs to be addressed quickly to avoid costly and difficult problems. Many consider human caused global warming to be a myth, just an excuse for the record temperatures and other weather patterns. There are two main sides to the argument of the cause of global warming; those who believe that global warming is just a natural phase in the climatic habits of earth, and those who believe humans are the direct cause through the burning of fossil fuels and other processes. In an article released by the Dept. of Commerce, NASA claims the solar increases do not have the ability to cause large global temperature increases greenhouse gasses are indeed playing a dominant role. As the leading global scientific institution of the US Government, NASAs point is highly accepted by the community. In the same article, the Dept. of Commerce says that only a quarter of the amount of global warming can be attributed to the sun. That one-quarter is the natural part of global warming; the rest is from human activity. Humans are the dominant force behind the sharp global warming trend seen in the 20th century. Natural factors like volcanic eruptions and fluctuations in the suns emissions, which were powerful influences on temperatures in past centuries, can account for only 25 percent of global warming. The rest of the warming was caused by human activity, particularly rising levels of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases. According to author, Thomas J. Crowley a Texas AM geologist natural variability plays only a subsidiary role in the 20th century warming and that the most parsimonious explanation for most of the warming is that it is due to the anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gases. Crowley proposes the most direct link to date between people and the 1.1 degree Fahrenheit rise in average global temperatures over the last 100 years is due to something called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by g ases trapped in the atmosphere. Part of this re-radiation is reflected back towards the surface and the lower atmosphere. This results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of the gases. Increase in weather phenomena is another effect of global warming. One theory is that global warming may be contributing to stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic over the past 30 years. FSU geography Professor James B. Elsner, University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor James P. Kossin and FSU postdoctoral researcher Thomas H. Jagger have used global satellite data to find that the strongest tropical cyclones are, in fact, getting stronger and ocean temperatures play a role in driving this trend. This is consistent with the heat-engine theory of cyclone intensity which is all a result of the warming of our planet. Drought As global warming increases it will alter many climatic patterns of the planet. As far as rainfall is concerned, it will rise equator ially in both polar and sub-polar regions, and decrease in subtropical areas. This change in precipitation pattern will generate a drought in certain areas, while floods in other areas. Warming of the atmosphere will escalate the temperature in the planets seawaters, which will endure continued elevated temperatures for centuries. Warm water will lead to frequent natural disasters like hurricanes. Overall, the planet will experience extreme weather conditions, characterized by flood and droughts, heat waves and cold waves, and extreme storms like cyclones and tornadoes. A rise in global temperature will also hamper the lavish biodiversity of innumerable ecosystems. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on (IPCC), an increase in global temperature by 1.5 to 2.5 degrees will make 20 to 30 percent of species vulnerable to extinction, while a rise of about 3.5 degrees will make 40 to 70 percent species vulnerable to extinction. Climate change will result in loss of habitat for many animal species like polar bears, tropical frogs and coral reefs just to mention a few. More importantly, any alteration in the planets weather patterns will seriously affect the migration patterns of various species. Unstable patterns of rainfall will affect animals and humans equally. For humans, global warming will affect our foodstuff and water supplies as well as our health conditions. Changes in precipitation will affect basic necessities such as agriculture, power production etc. Increase in the temperature of ocean waters will hamper fisheries. The sudden change in climate patterns will have a hazardous effect on the human body which wont be able to endure the extreme conditions, a hint of which can be seen in form of frequent heat waves and cold waves. Upsurge in natural catastrophes such as storms, will lead to substantial human casualties. Communicable illnesses will rise to a noticeable degree as infection transmitting insects will adapt more quickly to extreme conditions carrying with them many diseases. Many people will die of malnutrition as food production will decrease due to frequent droughts and floods. The ever increasing stress it will have on our system will create less aid for those that rely on our kindness to feed themselves. As a nation, we are attributed as the leading cause of global warming, with the most greenhouse emissions anywhere in the world. As the most influential country in the world, we can choose to sit by and watch it happen, or we can decide to become a more environmentally aware population, setting an example for the entire world to see. The debate of the causes of global warming should not matter, because the fact is that we are contributing to global warming through our activities, adding on to any natural climatic phase that the earth is experiencing. By not releasing so much greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, we can end the global warming scare, and end the most debated environmental topic of the world today. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC), estimates are that it will take $1.375 trillion per year to keep the effects of climate change at a sustainable level keeping the global temperature increase to less than two degrees Celsius (3.6 Degrees Fahr enheit). Having a well-coordinated tax on co2 emissions will benefit the world as a whole and help to sustain countries by allowing them to purchase tax credits from underdeveloped countries which they can then use for an innovative and more sustainable future. A carbon tax is a pay as you go plan with carbon credits and being traded in an open market for current polluters to have time to retool for a sustainable energy source. Trade caps would invite civil war between the extreme groups of polluting nations and those that are more environmentally conscious. Monitoring of large pollution sources is already in place with a satellite and checks in surveillance and fiscal and economic policies. By taxing a relatively small number of large sources we can move forward to a cleaner more sustainable earth. Maybe add something on Sustainable Biofuels find alternatives to fossil fuels and Carbon sinks to reduce the effects of Co2 emissions from burning carbon based fuel. To summarize the mos t significant scientific findings of the preceding few years, scientists have added extensively to the vast body of evidence that demonstrates heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide that are fashioned primarily from the burning of fossil fuels are most certainly changing the global climate, rising temperatures and unsettling environments around the earth. My own view is that Global warming does exist and that humans have caused this increase due to the use of fossil fuels creating a greenhouse effect. Though I concede that specific variations of climate change can be on a cycle of the earths history, I still maintain that recent increase in climate changes are caused by an excess Co2 emission. For example, the burning of (oil, gas, and coal) is causing Co2 to build up in the atmosphere creating a greenhouse affect trapping gases that would not normally be there. This is rising the overall temperature of the earth and we are unsure of the negative side effects this may be causing for the future. Although some might object that the earths climate has a history of cycles and with no clear data as to what effect it will have on humans lives, I would reply that more research is needed and that we need to start looking for innovative ways to lesson our use of fossil fuels and look for renewable sustainable energy sources with less emissions. The issue is important because we all only have one planet and waiting until it is to late would not really be a viable option.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Features and Benefits of Skype

Features and Benefits of Skype Introduction of Skype (voice unified communication) Skype is the most popular communication tool service in the world. The skype service comes with application software and softphone which suit the application so normally many people think that skype just only provide software which outcome the well service which they provide. The service also provide free or paid service with different kinds of program which can be use in skype as paid service include more features. The free service only provide connect with other skype users while other premium plans include the ability to call from skype to landlines across the worlds as well as own a skype dial-in number so that landline callers can reach us on your computer. Skype has cutout quite a numbers of barriers to the communication system which it is due to poor connection user for the network traffic, while in the early stage we needed to take particular care of the minutes and seconds we spend speaking on international calls which end up is overprice spending, but now we no longer need to worry about it. If you are using pc to pc chatting, you will not paying a single cent in the skype free account more than just your monthly internet service billing. Skype is using the integration of voice and instant messaging service to talk to each other which delivering clear and high quality calls over the internet. Requirement tools for using skype is simple few things, a computer with decent processing speed and memory which must have keyboard and mouse in your system, a high-end speed internet connection like boardband, sound card that speaker or earpieces is in working condition and last thing skype software which is freely downloadable in the main website. People use skype mainly for the high quality of voice it provide and also because it provide free service for pc to pc talk. We around the world use skype for several things such as long-distance communicate with family,friends and loved ones,for business calls or long-distance conferences and also cheaper calls durin g our traveling and ETC The features and strength/weaknesses of skype Skype has a lot of interesting features which can be use like video call or conferencing, SMS, voicemail, instant messaging, call forwarding, skype to skype interface, business control panel, contacts and many others. For free plan skype only include most feature using like instant messaging and skype to skype calls through skype account but for paid plan it cover most features in free plan and plus include call phone and mobile, sending sms to other phone which can be done using either pc or softphone which usable with skype Strength weakness: Nowadays, skype work in the rightness of networks and recent technology which overcome it strength and weakness. For its good point because it let us manage to have a lot more flexibility and more better voices which overcome the problems cause by poor call quality and other interrupting issue which cause by â€Å"noise† in the telephone line and what the weakness about skype because it stops most accounts in skype users from being able to communicate with other open source networks that dealing with communication software And another main reason is that when you are using low-connection internet or keep receiving poor signal while in the skype conference, the application in the skype has some clever programming managing tool to analysis the problem try to prefix it and get your call smoothly through the calls. The program tool has the most important ability to dynamically change and fix in the codec in use to the call to suit the network conditions strength. Sometime we will also encounter packet loss during the sending of information which cause alot of times waiting for the busy line to be stable to send out the data to one and other using skype The problems skype trying to address They need to improving its identity authentication process. This is one of the part skype trying to further expansion into the business market to enhance username authentication for business customers. Skype also encounter security bug that could expose value and useful data to hacker. Most users could let an hacker making a Skype hyperlink which the users clicked on it, it will sends a file from the victims computer to another Skype user. One of the most problem they address is that hackers tend to control a users pc without the admin promission which cause alots of value data being known. An hacker could exploit the user pc by programming or uploading a special link and AD-popup a user to click on it. The hacker can also be exploited when sending some annoying information from a malformed electronic business card or Vcard. Critically evaluate Skype and future trends Scalable Skype PBX/PABX Gateways FEATURES BENEFITS: Company now can talk or chat over on skype for free and Skype-Out for low-cost call without PC cause they provide Skype-In static numbers for local calls to users and Skype-Web calls for user with free plan service . Using Companys phones to make a simple calls by prefix-handle service and smart PhoneBook . . Directly connect to PBX/PABX program using Plug Play format which only took 10 minute, also by using the program Sky-Grid System to upgrade the total capacity storage can save more money and with the better administration Control to make MIS/Call-Management job more easier They also provide Solving the issues of Bandwidth Information Security by independent xDSL and monitor the status by VNC Web-Administration or Telnet Control. Reference from : Open source freeswitch added into skype: This is the new release device which called â€Å"freeswitch†, is the first open source freeswitch will enable user or orgamnisation to intregrate skype into their Voip and platform services. For the first time, developers will have a free usage which include high-performance voice switching platform that can tie Skype clients into nearly every other major VoIP platform on the market today. Aside which we extending high definition voice across the networks, freeswitch will enable developers to build Skype integration into telephone applications, such as VoIP-enabled IVRs. Skype upgrade not only change the platform to freeswitch but also added in support for one of the most popular telephone engines (open phone layer) which gives freeswitch support for 323 clients and devices which also brings another venue for SIP support. Skype also working towards tighter integration with the platforms, the skype for asterisk is a prototype to allows interoperability between skype and asteri sk. Which offer better voice quality, allow users to place and receive calls without any cumbersome workaround, provide caller ID and retrieving skype credit balance information control panel that user can access Reference from :

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Personal Narrative - Driving Test :: Personal Narrative Essays

Personal Narrative- Driving Test As I walked out of the courthouse and down the ramp, I looked at my mom in disappointment and embarrassment. Never wanting to return to that dreadful place, I slowly drug my feet back to the car. I wanted to curl up in a little ball and I didn't want anyone else to know what I had done. Gaining my composure, I finally got into the car. I didn't even want to hear what my mom had to say. My face was beat red and I was trying to hide my face in the palms of my hands because I knew what was about to come; she was going to start asking me questions, all of the questions I had been asking myself. Sure enough, after a short period of being in the car, the questions began. "Honey, how could we have miscalculated six months? My frustrated reply to every question was, "I don't know!" Maybe this was a sign I was going to fail. I could only imagine how my brother and sister were going to make me feel. They had teased me about studying so hard for the permit test. Now here I was, not actual failing the drivers test, but failing to go on the correct day. Exactly one month later, all of the fears that happened in the past were returning. Was I going to fail? Was I going to get the same, strict instructor? As I slide out of the car and slowly shut the door, I could only hope that the same person wouldn't be there when I attempted to take my driving test last time. With that thought running through my head, my brain was in overdrive. All the wheels were turning as fast as they possibly could. I tried to zone out the negative stories I heard by telling myself, "I can do this. I just drove through town on a practice run and I did perfectly fine." Of course, the fear of failure kept popping in my head and I couldn't get rid of it.Sluggishly, I made my way to the entrance of the courthouse. As I reached for the door, I let out a sigh of worry. I moseyed down the stairs trying to stall as long as possible. All that I could picture was the instructor with dark, slanted eyebrows that made a wrinkle between his two critical eyes.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Identify :: Business and Management Studies

The Identify The problem The End User The Company is called Vesco and has 13 stores round the UK. The manager from one of their London stores has asked me to do the following for his supermarket only. The Problem A company called food on the go are their home delivery company. The manager of Vesco has asked me to make invoices for the â€Å"food on the go† company and their customers. The manager of Vesco called Dean Smith said that their old way of billing people was very slow. What they did was they would send an employee around the supermarket to get each item that has been ordered and would have to add up the prices at the end. He wants me to make it so that when his employees are doing this all they have to do is type in the serial numbers of the items and the computer will add up the prices and add VAT on its own. Also he would like the individual items and the subtotal to come up on the computer. So when the delivery company is delivering the foods to the houses, people will easily and quickly be able to pay because they will easily see what they ordered. Some people may pay by cash or some may have previously paid by credit card on their internet website. People order their food by filling out and order form saying what items they would like or they would fill out a form on the internet. An additional 10% charge will be added to their bill for this service. Possible Solutions to the Problem Manual Solution As they get their orders in they could write what is ordered onto a piece of paper and put them up on a notice board, and at the end of the week one person could go round the shop and get all the items from every list. ICT Solution They could enter the items in a spreadsheet, this would be good because a spreadsheet could add up the subtotal and add the VAT. After adding the VAT it can automatically add up the final total. My Solution Is†¦.. I will use the spreadsheet solution as the data incorporated in the spreadsheet can be put into a formula and therefore can be manipulatededhat time - consuming. ta i - consuming have fast access times. I suggest that they use a CD-RW. by the computer, it can also be presented in a good professional fashion. I will use an ICT solution because of the following reasons: The Advantages of Using the ICT Solution are:  · It is easier to edit the data and add up the data eg.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Material Science Essay

Abstract In this assignment I will be defining the 3 essential properties of every material and describing those. I would also be describing how silicon-based semiconductors revolutionized computing. I will also define what microchips are and how they relate to integrate circuits. Since the pressing questions about the increasing ability of computers to quickly process large amounts of information is whether a computer can be built that is considered â€Å"alive† or â€Å"conscious.† I will also be defining artificial intelligence and telling the difference between the human brain and the central processing unit of a computer. Material Science There are three essential properties of every material that scientists use as a foundation for most every study. First it is the kind of atoms that is made up from the material. There are the neutral elements and the compound elements. The neutral elements would have the identical amount of protons and electrons; this would essentially terminate one another, which would leave the protons and electrons neutral. The compound element is when there is a combination of more than one element. The atoms are second in the way that they are arranged. A great way to explain this is by relating atoms of liquid and atoms of solids. For example the atoms of liquids move around allowing the atoms of solids which are packed together. The way that atoms are attached together is number three. These are the key properties when understanding the study of materials. The strong point of the material, this is the capability to endure forces being useful to it without breaking, this is first. The materials elasticity is second, which is the capability to flex while returning to its original form. Number three is the materials plasticity; this is the ability to change its shape forever. Thanks to the starter of semiconductors, computers have developed over a billion times faster than one of the first built in 1946 (ENIAC). Describe how silicon-based semiconductors revolutionized computing. Since silicone semiconductors are capable to move easily through the solid component it is more proficient than copper based conductors. Silicone based conductor’s makes holes which produces and fills a space constantly. This means electrons jump from one atom to another. This will also change the silicon through a process called doping by adding either phosphorus or aluminum the desired effect is achieved. When adding phosphorus to silicon it develops n-type which is negative-semiconductor. When adding aluminum to silicone it develops p-type semiconductors. These are both essential parts functions efficient electrical devices microchips, which are used in computers. Microchips are positive and negative type semiconductors. Microchips do a detailed function. A microchip is individual diodes and transistors will play a big part of the essential function in modern electronics, although these strategies have been mainly replaced by much more complex arrays of P- and N- kind semiconductors, known as microchips. Microchips may join hundreds or thousands of transistors in one integrated circuit, particularly intended to do a specific role. They are related to integrated circuits this is why. Combined circuits (microchips) are the main component in devices such as microwave calculators, and other devices. An integrated circuit microprocessor lies on modern technology. Modern technology is occupied with electrical integrated circuits. Such as, Televisions, MP3 players and computers all contain integrated circuit which allows them to perform specific functions. Also known as microchips or microprocessors, these circuits keep track of all the information being transferred within the device, in essence giving it life. Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce are both who take credit with inventing the integrated circuit, both coming up with the idea within a year of each other while working for separate companies. Artificial Intelligence is a division of science which deals with helping machines and finds explanations to complex problems in a more human like manner. This normally contains borrowing features from human intelligence, and applying them as procedures in a computer friendly way. A more or less well-organized approach can be taken depending on the necessities recognized, which impacts how artificial the intelligent performance seems. ( The 2 essential differences between human brains and the central processing unit of a computer is the brain-computer metaphor has served intellectual psychology well, research in intellectual neuroscience has revealed many significant changes between brains and computers. Escalating these differences may be crucial to understanding the mechanisms of neural information processing, and eventually for the creation of artificial intelligence. ( One difference is that brains are analogue and computers are digital. For instance one of the primary devices of information communication appears to be the amount at which neurons fire a fundamentally unbroken variable. Likewise, networks of neurons can fire in relative synchrony or in relative confusion; the coherence affects the strength of the signals received by downstream neurons. Lastly, inside each and every neuron is a leaky integrator circuit, composed of a diversity of ion channels and endlessly changing membrane potentials. ( Another difference is short-term memory is not like RAM. While the superficial similarities between RAM and short-term memory encouraged many early intellectual psychologists, a closer examination reveals strikingly important differences. Although RAM and short-term memory both seem to required power, short-term seems to hold only to long-term memory however. RAM holds data that is Isomorphic which is having similar appearance but different ancestry. Not like RAM, the capacity limit of short-term memory is not fixed, the capacity of short-term memory seems to vary with differences in processing speed as well as with expertise and understanding. (

Monday, September 16, 2019

Crimson Tide film Essay

Crimson Tide film exhibits a theme of leadership case, is based on nuclear ballistic submarine order aimed to hit against Russia. The attack is aimed to silence threat of launching nuclear missiles which Russia is in possession. The combative action is in a problem since the army structure is loose due to dispute between executive officer and the captain over the course of action to be taken by the crew. This results to splitting of the crew in this mission hence formation of two confrontational factions for same combative mission. The warship is in problem as the rival group tries to take control of command. The situation turns desperate and speedy resolution in to this problem is requiring since the time is running up to launching moment. Success in this situation largely depends on the decision made since it has to be resolved in case of winning or face the disastrous consequences due to wrong decision (Kempley 1995). Crimson tide film exhibit the strength as well as weak point of the responsible leader in this film i. e. the captain and Executive officer. Different strategies and advices by the two leaders geared toward course of action to be taken results to potential conflict. In this situation leadership is required to guide the crew who are expected to follow the directives. But the situation changes due to the internal conflict affecting the crew to lose track of the event at hand since leaders hold diverse understanding of the mission as well as the organization. This film shows element of racial undertone in the leadership theme since captain and Executive Office are white and black respectively. On the other hand this film is designed to show sober mediation in the military setting other than an action thriller (Kempley 1995). This film is set on Archbury Airfield tries to reveal how people characters as well as effectiveness is affected by different leadership approaches. Based on American 918th Bomber Group the film show the fighting crew enduring from low morale, poor performance and bad luck as a result of unsuccessful fighting mission. This situation changes after the change of leadership which is dedicated and persistent toward improving crew’s morale through motivation and uplifting of crew towards actualization and pride. In this film different characters exhibits exemplary leadership as well as poor leadership trait (Maslin 2008). There are two characters in this movie designed to send theme battle and leadership based on different philosophies to ease tense military thriller. These leaders are Captain Frank Ramsey in charge of nuclear submarine, the U. S. S. Alabama. He is respected person almost getting to his retirement age and led his crew with an iron hand. As he puts it he requires the crew to pressure democracy even without practicing it. â€Å"Ramsey is assigned a new second-in-command, Lt. Cmmdr. Ron Hunter (Denzel Washington); Hunter is much younger than Ramsey, Harvard educated, and believes the goal of the military in the nuclear age is to prevent war, not fight it† (Maslin 2008 para 2). Ramsey career moving to an end when atomic era is rising while Hunter highly educated and very careful in handling of nuclear weapons. Crew in the ship becomes alert due to sprinter group of Russia decides to seize missile silo. The Alabama is allowed to fire but the situation at hand is distracted from taking of action due to receiving new external order the radio malfunctions. The leadership of Ramsey is geared to following the orders to the letter such that an order is an order and should be obeyed. Therefore the situation at hand required the crew to move forward and attack the enemy according to Ramsey leadership ideology. According to Hunter the situation required more scrutinizing of the situation to ensure there is no doubt in the course of action taken as well as waiting for conformation orders. Meaning he gave an allowance to analyze orders as opposed to Ramsey ideology who says that an order is an order and calls for action without a second of thought. There emerge differences between the two leaders where Hunter go to an extent of threatening Mutiny against his colleague Ramsey in case a missile strike is undertaken against the enemies. The two leaders become hostile toward each other on the direction to be taken. This is evident as shown from the eyebrow but the leaders are obliged to deliberate on the morality of the attacking Russia. The situation hot up and Alabama is given orders to fire its trident to the radicals and try to engage them. On the cause of fight between the rebels, second message is received delaying the order to fire at the enemy but this ends with loss of contact as well as command control. This results to Ramsey refusal to hold his fire waiting for second message confirmation but this time Hunter does not agree. This results to increase tension between the sailors as well as the officers on the board due to difference of there leaders had hyped and could result to a mutiny (Maslin 2008). Reference: Maslin, Janet (2008): Crimson Tide (1995). http://movies. nytimes. com/movie/134690/Crimson-Tide/overview Kempley, Rita (1995): Crimson Tide. Retrieved on 14th October 2008 from: http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/style/longterm/movies/videos/crimsontiderkempley_c015cb. htm